padmasana (attempt)
Vibhu Krishna | The Plain | Issue 0

The text scrawled into this piece reads "many things are so uncertain all at once so i imagine lotuses growing like vines all over my field of vision & field of anxiety but padmasana is not coming easily because of the aforementioned quantities of variables so i drew this instead—an anxiety-filled rendition meditation created in one sitting on bristol paper w/my favorite 005 micron pen & my barely-coping roommate's old tupperware lid to trace the circle after reading & re-reading "fieldnotes from the in between" by my very dear friend lisa (drawn somehow all in one sitting) & did you know we have matching cartilage piercings? & aren't the neurotic scratch-like pen marks just a bit harrowing? one of my uglier works!i miss my friends & space but keep hope & art." Then I super-imposed the drawing onto a moon and gave it light and space, thank goodness.

Details: micron ink on bristol, digital manipulation, 12"x12"

By Vibhu Krishna
Vibhu Krishna is in medical school at Columbia University in New York. You can find more of her work on her website,
October 2020
Symposeum Magazine Issue 0